What is there about the words to some Foreign Love Songs that despite a potential and legitimate command of a vocabulary, can also genuinely be understood by the innate language of one's heart?
I've always said that I Think and I Dream in English, but that I Feel in Spanish.
Maybe this is one reason why some Spanish Love songs tend to speak to me, but if you listen with your own heart, without understanding the words, maybe they also speak to You. For these are not compositions whose spoken words you truly need understand. These are songs that invoke a certain sublime eloquence that touch you deep inside. And the velvety sound of the Spanish guitar, you can almost feel on your skin. Understanding the words only heightens the experience.
On this sticky, late Summer night in New Orleans, I found an old compilation I made and brought from Miami, my hometown. On it, I rediscovered Venezuelan singer/ songwriter Ricardo Montaner. This one dreamy poem of a song is so very lush, romantic; and though some of the lines may be lost when translated [below], if you close your eyes to listen, indeed you may understand anyway.
So here's to sultry nights of contemplation, and rediscovered love songs deeply felt.
Click here to listen and watch video of Song, "Yo Puedo Hacer" by Ricardo Montaner
I can
make Violets Bloom this morning at ten,
a glow worm remain alight until the train passes by
and for September to become the eighth month from this day on
I can
make you not feel the cold of the icicles thawing from my soul,
make the provinces of your body surrender under my kisses,
and for a rainbow of black and white to delight you with surprise
I can
make your path become the same as mine,
your sorrows become my sorrows,
and for the sky to come to your door
I can
make each day of yours, a century of mine,
and each dream of yours, a dream of mine,
and make you greet each sunrise with a sigh
I can
from the silhouette of your body, build my shelter,
from the balconies of your breasts, erect my cottage,
and in the winter,
from the wells within your rivers, quench my thirst
I can
make each day of yours, a century of mine,
and each dream of yours, a dream of mine,
and make you greet each sunrise with a sigh
I can
I can
I can make the violets blooom today at ten.